Web Design is A Funny Thing
In this age of people being empowered to do things for themselves, virtually anyone can make some kind of website and post it on the Web. It's really not all that difficult to do.
But the mark of a really good website, in Nimble Eye's way of thinking, is the site's ability to deliver for its owners. This means a site that is easily found by people using Google and other search engines, a site that is easy to navigate, and one that uses modern Web standards of design and coding to ensure that the site works properly in all Web browsers and on all platforms.
Our Philosophy on Design
We listen to our clients. Each knows more about his or her particular business than anyone else: how it works, who the customers are, and what to expect from a website. At Nimble Eye Design, our goal is to create websites with fresh, original designs (we don't use canned templates…) using contemporary Web coding standards and practices.
As a result, sites that we design load quickly, run smoothly, and are very easy to maintain. By avoiding gimmicky or proprietary software, we build sites that can grow and change as your business' web presence evolves. We can also update sites built with out of date coding or proprietary software and bring them up to modern standards. Mobile devices, as you are probably aware, have already become dominant in terms of how people are accessing the Web. We can optimize your site to make sure that it looks equally good on smartphones, tablets, desktops, etc.
Stuck with a hosting company's "site builder" theme for WordPress? We can convert your site into a modern, much more capable WordPress installation with a contemporary theme that will update easily.
Do you need to move your site from your existing hosting service to a new host? We have done this dozens of times for clients, and can make the transition swiftly and with no disruption to your website.

Judy’s Broker Network – We updated an older HTML site by completely rewriting it in WordPress, emphasizing color and large images, per the client’s requirements. With integrated, custom MLS features.

Historic Brighton – A full rewrite of a dated HTML site. We wrote a custom search that queries an archive of some 8,000 newsletter entries – yielding concise, rapid, linked results.

Paul Byron Hill – A custom WordPress site for a wealth management firm. Clean design and classic typography make for highly legible and easily accessible content.

Pike Stained Glass Studios – A site we updated and redesigned to emphasize the beautiful stained glass windows, along with a muted, classic look for the typography and layout.

Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services – A recent overhaul of our original site built on a Joomla® template. It’s now a modern WordPress site, updated to reflect our client’s changing needs.

Pietro Di Donato – The official site of the Italian-American novelist & writer who rose to fame in the culture of the mid-20th Century. A large collection of photos, interviews, memorabilia, critical studies, reviews & articles.

Pro Rebuilders – Update of our original Joomla® site for an industrial manufacturer. The result is a clean presentation, and a WordPress site current with modern standards.

Genesee Region Orchid Society – Another WordPress site, converted from an older Joomla!® site and completely rewritten with a custom template for WP.

Accelerated Mailing Services
A replacement of an outdated WordPress theme, with custom CSS/HTML animation on the Home page.
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